So long! Farewell! Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye!

Time to say goodbye to our acting classes! (which is a shame, because I really rather enjoyed them!)

The end of our acting lessons saw us putting together all we had learnt in the previous classes.

Our task was to tell a story – a creation story from Hindu, Inuit or Greek cultures. We were split in to groups of five, which meant enough people to play major parts and then swap to fill minor roles or play scenery, narrate etc.

Our group had to perform the Greek story which had various contrasting locations and characters.

We used a variety of dramatic techniques, such as levels to imply status, the physicality of characters to show their personality and applied various voices to make scenes more interesting.

Our teacher’s main feedback after watching our (Bafta-winning 😉 ) performance, was that it was “very Greek!” and in retrospect it was kind of like an over-acted Greek tragedy or something! We took a very light hearted look at it, however I think we grasped the main concepts from earlier lessons about staging and voice and that’s the main thing! It was great fun to do and made me feel more confident, not only with vocals and staging, but generally too! Acting classes are good for self-esteem. In terms of animating, I feel better prepared to create interesting pieces and tell convincing stories with the skills I’ve picked up over the lessons (not to mention, would definitely like to have more goes at voice-acting!)

Be sure to check in next time, I think we could be seeing a return of the life-drawing!

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