TVPaint rides again!

We continued our TVpaint classes this week, learning to create an animatic on the program using one of the comic strips we’d prepared earlier (Blue peter reference intended!)

DDD blog post 23rd Nov printscreen2

As well as this, the lesson was full of handy tips on how to improve our Morphs which we’ll be presenting NEXT week, along with a finished Animatic with sound.

DDD blog post 23rd Nov printscreen

Although I started a little late learning TVpaint, I think i’m finally getting the hang of at least the basic parts and am beginning to feel more confident with trying out some of the more interesting stuff such as animated “Custom Brushes” and Camera moves. I can tell it’s a much more useful program than the ones I’ve previously worked on like Pencil, but it’s getting to know the complex layout and methods that’s the challenge!

What was reassuring to know was that there’s no right way of doing it and experimenting with it is one of the best ways of working it out – thank goodness for that, because that’s how I learnt the programs I was familiar with before starting the course!




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