Life Drawing – the last for the year!

Yesterday was our last lesson of life drawing for the year, however that by no means meant that our tutor would go easy on us! (although the mince pies and christmas tunes were very much appreciated! Thank you Andy!)

We began with Three five minute, full body warm up exercises. I drew these rather small so fitted them all on one page to conserve paper.

Life Drawing 3

I’ll reserve comment on these so you can have your own opinion about them without being influenced by my comments.

One important thing about these though was that it prepared us nicely for the next exercise; Full Turn around. We would draw for two minutes (full body) then move to the seat to the left. Because we were in a circle the result would be a full turn around of the model. I found that it was difficult to get a full drawing and it was tempting to do details on the hair and face. However, as was the case before with these sorts of exercises, I found a rhythm of sorts and worked out a system; drawing the wrist she was resting on first, then the shoulders and head and making the effort to include the legs and if possible the feet.

Hopefully you can see the difference in the methodology if I compare the first drawing with the final drawing in the sequence.

First drawing
Final Drawing

And you can see the turn around here!

After that, we took a break!

… We then did two 20 minute full body drawings. including the chair and fabric and of course hands and feet.  I feel happier with the first but I really enjoyed drawing the fabric with both and adding some detail on the hair and face. Perhaps I’m most pleased with the fact that after all our lessons – I’VE FINALLY MANAGED TO FIT THE WHOLE PICTURE ON THE PAGE! NYAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


and so concludes our Life Drawing lessons for this year! See you next year!

TV Paint – Animatic!

Just a speedy update about TV PAINT class as i’ll be missing my last class before the holidays (don’t worry Tutors, I shall be grovelling and sobbing appropriately over Christmas! 😉 )

Remember those comic strips we did a while ago?

Well – Put one in TV Paint and using the know how we’ve learned, make a simple animatic out of it!

Here’s the progress so far ;

it needs some tweaking and some sound but I thought i’d share how it looks for y’all out dere who’s interested!