Sound Design…

So, it’s been a while, but here’s what’s planned for the next few weeks –

We have a Sound Design brief where we have to create an audio track to accompany a 30 second animated film.

The film in question I’ll be creating an audio track for is:

“Night Music” – Stan Brakhage

I haven’t’ heard the original soundtrack to go with it, instead the audio will be my own interpretation of what I think would fit well to the animation.

I picked the film primarily because I liked it’s colours and it’s abstract quality. It’s obscurity opens up a lot more room for subjective, personal interpretations and this includes sound. As there are no recognisable objects or characters that require a more specific sound, I can be far more creative with creating a “synaesthesic” soundtrack, using sound to represent the sensation and emotion evoked in the film.

Films which have inspired me in the past include Norman McLaren’s works:

Blinkety Blank

Boogie Doodle

I’ll be recording my own sounds and music, as well as perhaps employing pre-made sound effects from the internet and seeing how I can manipulate all these.

Be sure to check in for more updates soon!

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