Sound Design Tweaks…

Following some wonderful and extremely useful constructive criticism from one of my tutors, I’ve decided to try out some experimental tweaks on the Sound Design project.

The feedback was as follows

” You’ve got a very solid piece of work here – interesting collage of human voice with some very detailed processing and an immersive stereo width. I would be curious as to what your Audition Timeline looks like – be sure to take plenty of screenshots for research purposes. My only note is that it sounds quite linear – despite the tempo change in visuals, your audio still runs at a steady pace.”

So! What I shall endeavour to do is have a go at Time Stretching, a technique which I can learn about through online tutorials. Hopefully this will help improve the timings so the audio fits better with the fast and slower paced sections of the visuals.

And also, following on from the comments about the Timeline, i’ll try to include more screenshots of the work as I go. For example below – this is a shot of the entire project at the point it is now, without any new changes made to it.

Keep an eye out for more updates!

Screen Shot 1.png

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